Want to network, develop your career, and continue your education?
When you join SBAMTA (South Bend Area Music Teachers Association), you also automatically become a member of IMTA (Indiana Music Teachers Association) and MTNA (Music Teachers National Association). Member benefits of the (3) groups include the following:
- Monthly programs
- Networking with other teachers
- Student recitals
- Achievement (AIM) Festival for students
- Masterclasses
- Professional certification
- District & State competitions
- State & National publications
- South Bend Symphony season ticket discounts
- Discounts at Shirk's Piano Gallery
- Discounts at Office Depot
- MTNA insurance plans
- and much more!
*Please make sure you indicate your preference to join SBAMTA local association on MTNA's application form (and include $15 to the total dues)
Categories of Membership
MTNA – Music Teachers National Association
IMTA – Indiana Music Teachers Association
SBAMTA – South Bend Area Music Teachers Association
Honorary – Longstanding members no longer teaching
Associate – Patrons or non-teachers
Student – Full-time students through age 26
NCTM – Nationally Certified Teacher of Music
National Headquarters
MTNA National Headquarters
600 Vine Street, Suite 1710
Cincinnati, OH 45202